Vision & Mission
Who we are for:
Our Vision Statement: To be used by God to change lives while positively affecting our community.
Who we are:
Our Mission Statement: (We are) Rooted in Christ, Growing in Faith, and Reaching Out to All.
Learn more about the United Methodist on our national website.

Our History
The Poplar Grove United Methodist Church traces its roots to the first settlers that began to arrive in the Poplar Grove area in the late 1830's. In 1864 the Methodist Church building was erected at a cost of $2,000. By 1913 the two churches in Poplar Grove -Methodist and Congregational - were struggling financially; so they joined into one body as the Poplar Grove Federated Church, moving into the Congregational Church building on State Street. The Federated Church continued until 1963, when, by vote of the congregation, we became known as the Poplar Grove Community Methodist Church, dropping the Congregational affiliation. In 1968, the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren denominations united and we became the Poplar Grove United Methodist Church. After two major remodeling / addition projects and eighty-six years at the State Street address, our new church building was erected. We held our first worship services in the new building - a blend of traditional and contemporary decor - on Saturday, February 6th and Sunday, February 7th , 1999.